Most people are no better than chimpanzees at detecting lies. Since we hear as many as 200 lies a day, we live with a hidden problem most of us are unaware of. With training in the fundamentals of deception detection, we can significantly improve our liespotting skills. How much do you know about liespotting?

Before you step into real-world situations that demand watchful eyes and ears, test your knowledge with our Lie-Q quiz:


Which of the following is the least reliable indicator of deception?
When asked the direct question “At what time did you leave the office last Friday afternoon?” a deceptive person is more likely to:
A deceptive person will avoid direct eye contact with you when asked a question:
Which of these two smiles is fake?
When someone says “To be honest…” in response to a direct question:
You are trying to better understand what motivated someone to behave deceptively. They have already admitted to you that they lied. How should you phrase the question to minimize a defensive response?
Fake smiles can be identified because of the lack of action in which muscles?
When a person is lying, the mistakes that can reveal his deception are more likely to be found in:
Which of these seven primary emotions are expressed with the same facial expressions worldwide? Fear, Sadness, Disgust, Happiness, Contempt, Surprise, Anger
People telling a lie will often involuntarily blink more than they do when they’re telling the truth.
Watch this video then answer the question below.

Which of the following verbal clues to deception are found in Bill Clinton’s notorious denial: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
Which one of the 7 primary emotions appears as an asymmetrical facial expression in its truthful form?
A Detailed prologue is:
Use of strict chronological order is:
Expression of emotion is:
Use of Illustration with gestures is:
Addition of an Epilogue is:
Detail around the main event: