10 Research Findings About Deception That Will Blow Your Mind

For Centuries, psychologists, philosophers and students of human nature have been probing how and why humans lie. But it was only in the mid-1900s that the study of deception emerged as a subject of popular scientific inquiry.

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How to Baseline Someone’s Behavior in 3 Simple Steps

What does someone look like when they’re lying? If only there was an easy, one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The truth is, every liar is different. Fortunately, there are numerous facial expressions, body language and verbal habits that researchers and investigators have linked to deception. Definitive patterns exist.

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5 Surprising Truths About Workplace Deception

"Honesty is the best policy." Sounds so old-fashioned, doesn't it? In today’s workplace, honesty isn’t always the first choice for business conduct. Fudging the truth is awfully tempting, no matter where you sit in the chain of command. From cooking the books to fibbing on resumes to having a co-worker “punch out” for you, there are a thousand ways people engage in deception at work.

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